Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Say No for AUTO! Learn some basic photo technique as ABC =3

Well I have discover some of my friends doesn't know to use the camera functionality into maximum, well probably is all reliable on the camera "Auto" mode so whenever picture they takes will goes for AUTOmatic settings however in certain situation you will realize that your picture are blurry, many noises and problems ... The main reason is you always use on AUTO !! Yes AUTO is easy or you no need to settings anything on it but ... terms of picture quality, AUTO does not guarantee to give you a best result! So no matter you are Compact and DSLR Camera users, lets have a easy ABC on get knows your camera =3

Well Here's an example menu's from a compact camera, the camera I pick is my Olympus Compact Camera =3

You can see the menu settings which is shows the WB (White Balance), ISO (Light Sensitivity), Drive Mode, Metering Mode and Digital Zooms ...

Well lets start from the WB (White Balance)

WB is the settings which gives you to adjust the color temperature, while most of the camera were did good WB in auto mode but you can also customize yourself by choosing the color temperature/WB mode.

ISO (Light Sensitivity), the most important settings for understand it =3

ISO means the light sensitivity and also the image quality of the picture.

The higher ISO will gives you a brighter image on low light condition without using any flash but by exchange the benefits, you will lose your image quality which means more noise you will get if you capture by higher ISO ...

The lower ISO will gives you perfect image quality but getting lower light sources so you will need a flash or flashgun to fill up the lights and sometimes you will get bad flash image when you shot an object in closer distance.

Here's the example between Low and High ISO from my Olympus


ISO 80~200

Lowest ISO (with Flash)

ISO 80

High ISO

ISO 800~1600

To conclude,

The lower ISO, the originally or I can said the best image quality you will get but lower the light source you have.

The higher ISO, the originally or I can said the lost of the image quality you will get but higher the light source you have.

For most of the non-premium compact camera's were fixed the ISO together with the shutter speed and aperture but maybe you can prove me wrong as nowadays the compact camera especially newer model all will have aperture and shuttle speed settings. So what I mean that if your camera does not have the adjustments of the shuttle speed and aperture, most of the time your ISO will judge your shuttle speed and aperture which I believe =_=

So for my compact camera Olympus mu780 and my dad Canon 880IS Compact Camera where not able to adjust the shuttle speed and aperture manually. So the ISO you put in lower settings will gives a lower shuttle speed which means if you takes a motion picture in low ISO, yours camera will capture it in LOW shuttle speed

Now here's the settings between low ISO and high ISO motion image I capture ....

Low ISO will capture the image slower so if your object is moving you can obviously see's the motion blur of the image

While High ISO will have more freezing capability of your movement even your object is moving very fast ^_^

So a tripod is recommend if you wanna capture image by using low ISO especially in Low Light Condition, Tripod or Monopod is your best pal for avoid the camera shake!!!!

Drive Mode ....

Well simple as that is the shotting mode, like single shot, and continues shot as for drive mode on all the digital camera. Single Shot mode is just like normal shot we uses while continues shot is rapidly shooting ...

Well someone would ask will Single and Continues Shot gives the same picture quality?

The answer is YES and NO ... Because it really depends the camera you use, but some camera will drop down image quality if you uses the continues shot, for compact camera they mostly offer 2 types of continues shot which is continues and Hi-continues shooting mode, normally a compact camera will offer a low FPS continues shooting but Hi-continues settings were offering a high FPS continues shooting like Semi-Pro DSLR Camera but in terms of image, the size of pixels image was greatly reduced.

So choose the right drive mode is the way of choice =)

Lastly the Metering Mode ...

Well commonly there's 3 metering mode which is the Multi-Segment or ESP, Center Weight and Spot mode.

By the way what is metering mode? Metering Mode is to give you the ability for adjusting the lighting position on your image...

Nowadays metering mode were almost in auto which gives a better and easier control of the light sources, to compare the old days those photographer will need to take down the notes for metering to adjust the lights =/

Okey right now I would like to explain the usage for 3 modes,


Fully auto metering mode which automatically controls all the light flows, it's better to used in all situation but the best for landscape and outdoors photo ! =D

Center Weight

Focus the light sources at the center, which good for portrait photos which you like to focus the lighting on the center of the portrait.


Spot focus the light spot of the picture, which means it mainly focus the lighting in the tiny area or whichever the AF point is active. Suitable for shotting in spot-lit performance, picking a bright lighting area.

Example OF Spot Metering Mode

As you see the light was fully focus on the light spot on this picture ...

Additional Funs and Features

Creative Filter is also a great tools for customize your image, for some camera (mostly compact camera) will have these kind of features, so why just make it AUTO all the way? Play more with creative filter and you will have some fantastic result on it >=D

For me ... well I mostly use Pin-Hole creative mode on my photos especially snapping the photo during night time =3

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